To whom it may concern,
I am $30,989 in debt and have a visual arts degree. Give me a fucking job.
If you want to hire me, please contact me via email:
Kind Regards,
Teeya Ryan.
Bachelor of Visual Arts
Print Media

Teeya Ryan, New Contemporaries, 2024, installation Photo: Document Photography

Teeya Ryan, New Contemporaries, 2024, installation Photo: Document Photography

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, 2024, linocut print

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, 2024, linocut print (process)
Teeya Ryan is an emerging Australian artist slowly exploring the possibilities and intersections between print-media and performance art. With a theoretical grounding in labour and work, Teeya’s practise is most heavily concerned with how her body is implemented in the process of creation. She believes that the body is both a means and an end to the creation of a work, and seeks to understand how and why we make art.