Benefits of Fitness
Performance art can better reveal the truth, and when I realised that prolonged sitting and office work can lead to an out-of-shape body and reduced health, I felt it was important to do this 90-day challenge. I hope that the shock people feel when they see my giant photo wall will make them realise the benefits of fitness. After my 90 days of non-stop strength training, I went from being out of breath walking from the bus stop to the school building to looking great after an hour of fasting cardio. I hope that viewers of my work will realise and start working out in their spare time. That confidence from the inside out will be a great tool for you socially or in the workplace. My work is heavily inspired by the artist Tehching Hsieh, whose work has had a profound effect on me. The biggest reward for me has been the opportunity to document and maintain self-discipline through such a task. I intend to continue with this work and build on it after I leave school.
Bachelor of Visual Arts

ovv3n, New Contemporaries, 2024, installation Photo: Document Photography

ovv3n, New Contemporaries, 2024, installation Photo: Document Photography

Benefits of Fitness
Haitao Qin (ovv3n) is an interesting person. His favourite activities are fishing and playing video games. But for the rest of his time, he mostly goes to exhibitions. He likes the development direction of contemporary art very much and hopes to see contemporary art be seen by more people. His works also hope that more people can resonate. So you can see that his performance art actually has a lot of meaning.