Diego Jorge

Bachelor of Visual Arts
Print Media

The "This Was..." series is a screen-printed children's book series. The series follows two characters as they navigate the art world. "This Was..." bridges the gap between art and publications.

"This Was a Book" takes the form of a children's book. Utilising post-modern conventions, the book uses metafiction, creating a self-aware tone that comments on itself as a form and art in general. The characters represent both my perspectives of art: the sceptic and the open-minded.

"This Was Not Art" is a reflection of my time at the SCA. Presenting itself as a poetic manifesto, it questions the forces at play in defining what makes art. All participants: the artist, the institution, and the reader, play a part in the creation of meaning for a work.

"This Was: A Welcome To Gallery" utilises the art world as an allegory for social commentary. Inspired by films by the Ministry of Information in World War 2, this book asks viewers to exercise subjectivity and open-mindedness when coming across opposing views. Other issues such as consent and social media are touched upon, continuing the theme of not being so quick to act before you think.

Diego Jorge, New Contemporaries, 2024, installation Photo: Document Photography

Diego Jorge, New Contemporaries, 2024, installation Photo: Document Photography

Diego Jorge, New Contemporaries, 2024, installation Photo: Document Photography

Diego Jorge, New Contemporaries, 2024, installation Photo: Document Photography

This Was: A Welcome To Gallery, 2024, Screen-printed Book

This Was: A Welcome To Gallery, 2024, Screen-printed Book

This Was..., 2023 - 2024, Screen-printed Book

This Was..., 2023 - 2024, Screen-printed Book

This Was: A Welcome To Gallery, 2024, Screen-printed Book

This Was: A Welcome To Gallery, 2024, Screen-printed Book

Diego Jorge is a photo and printmedia artist that investigates the interaction between text and imagery. His practice explores social commentaries in and beyond the art world. Diego navigates a tension between high and low forms of culture, considering the varying contexts that influence how we read the world. Stripping visual and written language down to their simplest forms, his work is lucid and aware of its audience.