Those Who Wait

‘Those Who Wait’ is a heartwarming coming of age journey following Reyna as she struggles with her creative block, a heartfelt discovery as she unblocks her mind to creativity.

A slice of life journey following Reyna a lonely 20-year-old female as she is met with a creative block. Struggling like most people with loneliness and creativity. Reyna is consistently failing at trying to find jobs due to the lack of her creative drive and losing what she loves most by being that old adventurous person. Reyna through uncertainty continues to find that lack of creativity and reflects on her old adventurous self with a high school friend who passed away. She comes to accept her passing and fights to become her old self to hopefully blossom ideas and to become motivated. She learns through her acceptance of grief and music to create old moments of her original self to find joy and the feeling of being creative once again.

‘Those who wait’ uses relatability and realism to depict Reyna and her journey through her creative drought. This story is told solely in the perspective of Reyna as she is brought to her knees by society of trying to find a job in a creative field. Reyna is often seen as a person trying to offer the world something of quality and hopes of leaving a mark in this world. The aim of this project is to faithfully represent majority of those who struggle with creativity and to bring enlightenment to the ideas of those who try to offer their creativity to this world. This film will include blue tones to depict her struggles along with a 4:3 aspect ratio to feel claustrophobic with the character. Journeying through her story arc we slowly begin to see her world widen where a warmish tonality will be applied compensated by a wide aspect ratio.

Director: Rayue Tian
Producer: Yaqiao Yang
Editor: Jiaxu Wan