Nostalgia, 2023, 3D pen, Medium, and Acrylic on canvas

Stay briefly, 2023, Glass, Filament, Acrylic on canvas
My work explores the themes of rebirth and perseverance, coupled with contemporary art trends that explore the intersection of nature, memory, and human emotions. This work reflects the consequences of the limited presence of goldfish in a controlled environment. In my work, the theme of ‘rebirth’ is consistent with the theme of a new beginning found in various contemporary art practices that aim to convey hope and resilience to the audience. Contemporary art trends using symbolism and storytelling resonate with golden fish that symbolize vibrant colors and good fortune, appealing to audiences in the digital storytelling era. The golden fish becomes an emotionally connected symbol with childhood, nostalgia, and luck. The depiction of mountain scenery on canvas coincides with the extensive contemporary art trend of exploring the sublime beauty of nature. It connects the audience with the grandeur of nature and invites them to contemplate their aspirations. Essentially, my work is intertwined with themes of perseverance, rebirth, ecology, symbolism, human experience, and contemporary art conversations. By intertwining these elements together, we invite you to think deeply about your relationship with nature, the endless spirit of hope and regeneration, while creating empathy for a visually fascinating and diverse audience.
Chae Eun is a South Korean artist currently on track to graduate from the University of Sydney, where she is majoring in Visual Arts. Her work predominantly revolves around environmental themes, with a significant focus on 3D pen creations. Chae Eun’s art delves into the paradoxical aspects of human behavior in the context of the environment, offering a critical perspective.