Blood Carriers, 2023, Digital and Sound
A work that helps the audience truly experience every emotion and feel every cell in their body. Being mindful about our inner selves is something that humans have either forgotten to do or do so in extremity. We have started living in a world filled with extreme options and situations with no room for error or the in between. With help of my work on the human blood and sensory network I want to hit pause on all the chaos and just look within myself. Blood Carriers is inspired by our inner vascular and sensory network which carry so much detail and have a structure of ‘method in the madness’. This network also does carry what makes us as an individual, our soul that travels in this major network. A reflective experience to acknowledge and appreciate every aspect our body and especially what lies within.
Manasi is an emerging artist who works with multiple platforms. Through the coarse of her degree she has explored most fields of creating art and that has fostered her own style which does not stick to a particular field. She uses her medium as a tool to express her emotion and her ideas of improving the world we live in. Manasi is a woman who takes inspiration from her life story and her strong cultural experiences. Her sole purpose is to create a space of peace and tranquility.