Ivy Zhang

My theme is Artificial Intelligence Painting, and by deconstructing Ai’s paintings to connect the two works, I aim to show the retrospective process of ai painting. Firstly, for the first work, I made a basic drawing by myself by conceptualizing the theme and determining the content of the picture I wanted (for example, I envisioned an Ai character surrounded by different electronic screens, the wires of these screens would be connected to the Ai’s brain), after that, I summarized some keywords and gave my basic draft and the keywords to midjournal for iteration, and after four or five iterations, I got the final template. After four or five iterations, I got the final template. For the second piece I first identified the theme of the painting (Dunhuang fresco style) and started to break it down and study it through the process of its formation, finally adding a frame to make it more similar to an art exhibit, I listed the different components of the painting, which were color, composition, figure, and thematic features. I made several small videos of them and edited them in the first one in pr. It’s as if Ai searched the data for these segments and evolved them in the system to get the final painting.

like painting and video production, and prefer to study some controversial art topics.