Work in progress: collecting plastics, 2023, soft plastics, electrical wiring

Work in progress-the execution, 2023, found toy

Work in progress-glass and ceramic egg, 2023, blown glass, slipcast ceramic
Follicle (2023) encourages us to ponder how our attachments with our primary caregivers affect how we relate to others, and how we make and remake our existences.
The root of the English word “matter” was shaped from the Latin word “mater”; and “mater” means mother. I am inspired by ovarian follicles, mother-daughter body swaps in popular culture such as the Freaky Friday films, the horror I feel when my mother expresses her love for eating balut, and ideas of stitching as repair. This is a work that is about leaving worlds that once nurtured me, but it is also about my reconnection with my own mother.
Lia Molina is an artist based in Eora who primarily works with archives and collected materials.