I was born in a liquid singularity, dense to infinity. At once before your time, at once after it. And I will waste away underneath a wave of you, and I will love you after that, evermore.
In my dreams, I am lying down in the garden of my childhood. I look at you, and I am reminded of the red shirt my mother wore the day she gave birth to me. In my dreams, it hangs on our washing line, bleached by your violent affection. I close my eyes and you extinguish into an ember.
My perfect death is the one that ends and begins by you. Until we are no more, the both of us, I will orbit you. And when the time comes, and we are no more, know that I am on my way to you. To feel a wave of you. Forever yours.
Forever and ever. And more after that.
This work was made on the unceded lands of the Gadigal people. Many thanks to Paul Cooper for his knowledge and expertise.
Maelyse lives and works on Gadigal land. With an interest in the affective phenomena of existence, she seeks to articulate both the intimate and the universal through sound, video and installation.