Heavy Head, 2023, Acrylic and oil on canvas, board, paper

Heavy Head, 2023, Acrylic and oil on canvas, board, paper

Heavy Head, 2023, Acrylic and oil on canvas, board, paper

Heavy Head, 2023, Acrylic and oil on canvas, board, paper

Heavy Head, 2023, Acrylic and oil on canvas, board, paper
Heavy Head is an extension of the work I produced in semester one, and based on a creative narrative I wrote. The work details my perspective on how my emotions have intensified since my childhood, and also ponders what sadness or pain would look like in a dramatic physical form. This began when I saw a dying bush of flowers outside my train window. It made me think about how nature can’t fake the way it feels, when it’s sick or dying, it looks like it. I think of mental illness in the same way, and use the metaphor of nature to represent its complexity.
I use anthropomorphic characters to detail my transformation and ideas: My character begins as a young girl, soon split into ten different floral identities. The character’s growingly complex emotions (evolving from childhood to adulthood) are translated into separate identities, her mental turmoil is reflected in their pain.
Maggie Kelly (3rd year BVA student) illustrates their personal experience through painting, drawing and writing using elements from the horror genre.