Alice Vigovska

Me, 2023, Acrylic on canvas.

Me, 2023, Acrylic on canvas.

My work is a contemporary representation of a portrait, straying from the traditional methods and subject matter of a classical portrait. I aim to convey that a traditional bust portrait is not an accurate representation of self, it’s just not enough to show who you really are! And so my portrait bears a dreamlike quality, gently straying from realism to create a fantastical scene. It features not only personal and philosophical elements but also touches on current political events, such as the war in Ukraine which has immense impact on my life as well as my family’s. However, the work will approach this sensitive topic with the subtlety of symbolism as I personally feel exhausted from the way the media depicts this tragic event everyday.

Alice is an Australian-born Ukrainian artist who explores her sense of self and cultural identity through painting. By continuously developing her dreamlike style through the use of a bright and vivid colour palette, Alice provides an ethereal lens for her audience to resonate with her own introspective life experiences.

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