To Love and Be Loved, 2023, Oil on Canvas

To Love and Be Loved, 2023, Oil on Canvas

The conceptual grounding of this work is built upon my own ability to create visual snapshots of intimate and fleeting moments within my own life as well as seeking to discover what it means to maintain close relationships in our youth. As young adults it feels as though we have only just begun to take on the responsibility of strengthening and deepening connections with others without the aid of a higher (or older) authority or schooling system. As we step into our own independence, we are faced with the reality that in order to discover and maintain close relationships we must continue to make the active decision to seek them out.
These pieces intend to establish the building of friendship through an overlapping contemporary and traditional collage style, to speak on the obliviousness within the process of creating close relationships. We aren’t aware of its process while in the moment, yet it is only when we look back on the past that we can recognise its significance.
Embrace the rings on the coffee table
The new scents of a borrowed shirt
Rest your head on my shoulder
Enya Fitzpatrick is a Sydney-based painter studying a Bachelor of Visual Arts and Advanced Studies.
Her work navigates through an exploration of archival memory within her own life and the everyday object in order to express the inherent interconnectivity of our lives. Through such exploration with her paintings, Enya seeks to blur the distinctions between realism, surrealism, narrative and observation.