These are two body frames made entirely of duct tape. The body on the right side is a one-to-one restoration of my own body. The left half is made up of my family members, and I have chosen only half of it to remember the family members we have lost. Two sets of flickering lights, like spirits in the body, connect me with my family. I was going to fall down a lot as I grew up, and my family was there to pick me up every time. Besides, there’s something inside of me.
Little Bear - Friend. Flowers - Teacher. Hair whiskers - Pets. Pill box - Physical healing. Perfume - Spiritual healing. Letters and words - Power. Photos - Treasured memories.
They’re the most precious things in my life. All these things have kept me alive and led me to where I am today.
She is a girl from China, but grew up in a multi-ethnic family. Therefore, influenced by different cultures, her works often combine multiple elements. She puts family first, loves all animals, and is keen on collecting puppets, so her works revolve around the theme of family, animals and dolls