In my art, I explore the interplay of the virtual and tangible realms to illustrate the clash and contradictions between ideals and reality. Despite our vocal advocacy for various forms of protectionism, we are inevitably ensnared by the inherent selfishness of human nature.
My work engages viewers through the mediums of branches and a cage, symbolizing the duality of living plants and inanimate objects. Yet, both are subject to human dominion, shaped and manipulated to our will. This dynamic mirrors an existential reality from which humanity cannot extricate itself. By shifting perspectives and juxtaposing idealism with reality, my art creates a surreal yet provocative visual narrative.
The auditory component of my sculptures is akin to a ceremonial chant to us, yet mere noise to other substances on world. This disparity in perception invites the audience to form an emotional bond with the artwork, culminating in a symbiotic relationship. This interplay of sight and sound in my sculptures not only challenges perceptions but also underscores the complex relationship between humanity and the natural world.
Rachel Chau is an Australian born Chinese artist. Her area of emphasis encounters screen arts,photography and installation art. Her interest of topic usually relates to philosophy and human.