Dinosaur Shop, 2023, Gouache

Dinosaur Shop, 2023, Gouache

Dinosaur Shop, 2023, Gouache

Dinosaur Shop, 2023, Gouache
Imagine how humans would treat dinosaurs if they lived until today? This piece starts with such a preposterous assumption, but it actually takes a more extreme and imaginative approach to address the way humans relate to other species.
Humans, as the dominant power in the world today, there are just two ways in which we treat animals. The first is protection, such as every country has national protected animals, which we also provide habitats for animals when possible. The second is utilization, which involves every aspect of life. Animals with high intelligence are utilized by human beings to obtain rewards for their performances. Animals with valuable fur are made into bags and clothes. They are also used to make medicinal herbs and for scientific research.
While it is understandable that human beings use animals to optimize their survival, many human behaviors have ethically and morally jeopardized the normal survival rights of animals. This artwork aims to provoke people to contemplate how human beings and other species should coexist harmoniously through this dystopian landscape.
Ancient DNA Museum If dinosaurs lived to this day, how would humans treat them? It is understandable that humans use animals to optimize their way of life, but many human behaviors also harm the normal functioning of animals from an ethical and moral perspective The right to survival. This work aims to evoke people’s thoughts on how humans and other species should coexist harmoniously through absurd scenes