Jorja Rynne
What if the universe births itself under the sway of some kind of transcendental (and also integral) object at the concrescence of time? A domain of hyper-connectivity that exists at a perfect state of novelty in which all nature aspires to reach through producing a variety of phenomena at every level of being. And so instead of an event occurring out of causal necessity of the one that proceeded it, it comes into being via a pull into the future. Our function may lay in the metaxic, transmutative process of hypercomplexification, and our purpose in the decreased vacancy for the divine to occupy.
‘the eschatological promise: love ⇌ death’ functions as sculptural interfaces for the transmutation of inter-dimensional consciousness. Existing both as autonomous beings and divination instruments, the metaxic structures act as the conduit for the destabilisation of the self, embodying the processes of decreation and metaxu, where that which becomes created becomes an intermediary to its eventual decreation (or nothingness) - they are that whose physical form has been willed from its essential purpose into a vehicle to properly fulfil its function.