This profile is designed to be experienced and mediated through multiple devices. Open on desktop and access Sinta Wijaya’s work via the QR code.
Marimo is an online-based video work about the internet and it’s nooks and crannies. The internet is a very interesting place for art, throughout the changes from the “white cube“, to permanent installation and contemporary art installation that’s ever-changing to the art now flowing throughout this internet space.
The residence of the internet have also found this rise of having a “persona“ on this online world. An avatar almost to how they want to be perceived behind the keyboard.
The never-ending cycle of the generating of an internet persona to support the real persona. Where’s the line between authenticity and just purely recreating how you want to be perceived?
Scan the code or watch here.
Marimog1rl is a persona or a name that I’ve made for myself to identify or mark my existence in this online realm that in the past two years, we tend to spend more time on compared to being in the real world. A persona that has helped build an identity & a career, moshed by the nooks and crannies of internet culture. Maybe you can check them out yourself.