Causality, a crime drama film, revealing the seamy side of Chinese society, is about Jessica who needs to earn a quiet and better life for her family with her own legal efforts since they are suffering from low income.
Jessica and Amy, who are both in their 20s, have been raised in the same neighbourhood. They have become good friends since a very young age. However, a long separation recently makes a huge divergence in the way they interpret the world between them. Jess always sticks to the belief that a better life could only be made by her own genuine efforts while Amy sticks to the entire opposite one. Jessica never doubts about this motto until a severe traffic accident created by her father that their family must pay a huge amount of money to its victims. At this moment of survive or die, Jess receives a seductive offer or trade from James, who is a profligate son of the employer of her father. This trade just puts Jess standing in front of a crossroad of her life. If she accepts, her family could return to the old good life; conversely, her family will live with this endless debt.
After all those confusing moments, Jessica decides to sacrifice herself for her parents. However, James reveals the astonishing truth while he starts touching her that the accident was all designed by him! This just leads out the potential power in Jess that she struggles to break free by smashing James!
It starts to rain outside, and Jessica stops her steps, standing in the middle of a lonely street under a streetlamp. A blare of tyre screeches bursts out of the silence as a van impacts Jessica severely, resulting in Jessica’s coma. The van escapes quickly while she lies in the middle of the street surrounded by blood and rain under that streetlamp. Eventually, the police rush in while her mind suddenly sinks in a postmortal world where her parents choose their daughter’s happiness instead of money and reputation. At the very end, it can be seen that she is still alive.
Writer/Director/Producer: Ruiqi Zeng
Producer/DOP/Editor: Hobin Cheng
Producer/Sound/Editor: Xizi Zeng